Monday 28 November 2016

Disadvantages of Phishing

I am going to mention the disadvantages of Phishing and the risks you can be in.

However, here is some disadvantages of Phishing.
  • You can scams in your emails or pop ups
  • You can get phone calls which can be a scam such as Life Insurance
  • Phishing can drain peoples bank accounts if you give over your bank details which you might think its your bank but really its a hoax.
  • Phishers can use the data to access a victim's account and withdraw money or purchase merchandise or services.
  • They can use data to open new bank or credit card accounts in a victim's name.
  • They can install computer viruses and worms on a victim's computer.
What to look out for and what you should do if you receive a phishing message?
  • Be aware and pro-active: when responding to emails or phone calls, never give your login or personal details. If you receive an email from a company that claims to be real but is requesting these details, or a contact number tell them you will call them back. use a contact number for the organisation that you have sourced. Speak to them directly to confirm that the message is genuine.
  • Use your spam filter.
  • Know your source.
for more information go to this link: What to look out for and what you should do if you receive a phishing message?

Disadvantages of Fraud

I am going to now mention some disadvantages of fraud and what risks you can be in.

Some of the disadvantages of fraud is:
  • People can mess with your debt and taxes
  • Can steal games
  • Can steal credit card numbers and money
  • Can steal contacts
  • Can steal photos
  • Can steal your identity
  • Can get your driving licence info
  • Can get in your bank account
  • Can get your personal info
  • Can get your passwords and usernames
How can criminals get hold of your information?
Criminals want to get as many of your personal details as possible so they can copy you and spend your earned money. Once they have your information, they can apply for credit in your name and run up debts without you knowing.

They look for your full bane, date of birth, current address and national insurance number, and the passwords and PINs to your bank accounts. Vital photographic ID such as driving licence or passport could be stolen and changed by a criminal to claim that he or she is actually you.
How can criminals get hold of your information?

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Disadvantages of Bullying

I am now going to talk about the disadvantages of bullying which can hurt many people.

Mainly, bullying is caused on Social Media such as Facebook but sometimes people can be bullied at school, college or outside of school.

I am now going to mention the disadvantages of bullying:

  • Its hurtful
  • Its always repeated
  • It is hard for the one who is being bullied to stand up for themselves
  • Spreads day to day life
  • Risk of depression and suicide
  • Out of schools hands
  • It follows you
  • Larger audience
  • Not wanting to go to school
  • Your grades and performance will drop
  • Skipping school
  • Self-esteem issues
  • Complaints of illness
  • Use of alcohol and drugs
There is loads of disadvantages of bullying which can affect someone life and can cause a lot of problems.

Bullying can happen anywhere such as cities, suburbs or rural towns it all depends on the environment, some groups such as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgendered (LGBT) youth, youth with disabilities, and socially isolated youth.

Children at risk of being bullied:
  • Children can get bullied by being overweight or underweight, or wearing glasses
  • Children might not be weak or unable to defend themselves.
  • Children can get depressed, anxious or have low self esteem.
  • They might be less popular than others and have few friends.
  • Children might not get along well with others, they might be seen as annoying or provoking.
If a child has these risks it doesn't mean they will get bullied.

Children more likely to bully others:
There is two types of kids who are more likely to bully others:
  • Some may have a connection to people, have a social power, are overly concerned about their popularity, and like to be in charge of others.
  • Others can be more isolated from people and may get depressed or anxious, have a low self esteem, be less involved in school, can be easily pressured by people, or not identify with the emotions or feelings of others.
Children who have these factors are more likely to get bullied:
  • Are aggressive or easily frustrated.
  • Have less parental involvement or having issues at home.
  • Think badly of others.
  • Have difficulty following rules.
  • View violence in a positive way.
  • Have friends who bully others.
Mainly bullies normally go for the same person repeatedly till the bullies get what they want and go for the ones that are easy target who will kick off when something is said.

Disadvantages of Malware

I am going to now talk about the disadvantages of Malware and a brief description.

Some of the disadvantages are:
  • You can get viruses on your computer/laptop and this can cause many problems.
  • Your computer/laptop can get slow
  • Some of your applications wont start
However I am now going to add a brief description of what the disadvantages mean and what they can cause.

Yes, you can get viruses on your computer/laptop and can cause many problems which can damage your computer/laptop and can break your computer completely. Usually, Malware displays pop-up ads on your desktop or steal your information. Some of the nastier ones can even crash your computer and delete your files also can make your computer/laptop slow on starting up applications such as the Internet. However, sometimes your application will not start as there might be so much viruses on your computer they are stopping you to open an application.

Disadvantages of Snapchat

I am now going to talk about the disadvantages about Snapchat and put a brief description of what they mean.

Some of the disadvantages of Snapchat is:
  • Videos can stop at a certain moment in some Smartphones
  • Its addictive
  • People can be on it way too much, it can become a distraction.
  • You can only see a picture for so long so it can give a bad message to teenagers and they might think they can get away with inappropriate pictures they could send to other people
  • Can teach users that things they send aren't there forever and can easily disappear.
  • People can screenshot you're snapchats and send them all over social media (leaked nudes).
What I mean by people can only send videos for a certain amount of time on snapchat is that you can only send a video up to a maximum of 15 seconds. 

Snapchat can be very addictive as some people like to take selfies with all the different kinds of filters and add them to their story to show what they are doing. 

Snapchat can be a distraction as you would want to respond to that message or snapshot very quick and that can become a big distraction as they might get put off by their work and also they will want to keep their streaks going and not lose their streaks. 

Sending picture messages can be very bad as they can send inappropriate pictures. 

Disadvantages of Twitter

I am going to mention the disadvantages of Twitter and a description of what it is and what they can cause.

some of the disadvantages is:
  • Buried Tweets
  • Limitations
  • Spammers
  • Messaging
Buried Tweets:
Buried Tweets means that once it is online it stays online so it stays buried onto your account so it stays placed onto your account or onto a comment or onto a message (it cannot be undone once sent).

Limitations means that you can only have a certain limit that Twitter allows you to go such as some of the Twitter limits is:
  • Direct messages (daily): The limit is 1000 messages sent per day.
  • Tweets: 2400 per day. The daily update limit is further broken down into smaller limits for semi-hourly intervals.
  • Changes to account email: Four per hour.
  • Following (daily): You can only follow 1000 per day.
  • Following (account-based): Once your account is following 5000 other users you cannot go over that limit.
Spammers on Twitter means that a person is trying to get in contact with you but they are spamming your profile to connect to you which there is a variety of different spamming examples such as:
  • Posting harmful links (including links to phishing or malware sites)
  • Aggressive following behavior
  • Abusing the reply or mention functions to post unwanted messages to users
  • Creating multiple accounts
  • Posting repeatedly to trending topics to try grab attention
  • Repeatedly posting duplicate updates
  • Posting links with unrelated tweets  
Messages on Twitter can either be in a private conversation or create a group conversation with anyone who follows you.

Monday 21 November 2016

Disadvantages of Facebook

In this post I am going to mention the disadvantages of Facebook.

The disadvantages is:
  • Cyber-bullying
  • Ruined relationships
  • Distraction
  • Insecurity
  • Stalker friendly

this is a picture of insecurity on social media, do not add someone you don't know.
people can ruin your relationship on social media as people can spread loads of rumors about you and that can destroy your relationship with that person.  
distraction can be caused by your phone and concentrating on what is around you that is on social media.

This is a picture of some of the words you can get called and this effects the persons feelings by getting called nasty words that is shown on the picture.

people can stalk your profile even if they don't have you as a friend.